I don't know about you, but two years of a health pandemic certainly has had me reevaluating my relationship with food. If you are anything like me (bless your heart if you are), you have also searched high and low for the best supplements, herbs, and food combinations to prevent and combat COVID-19. For a few years, pre-pandemic, I was able to enjoy a lifestyle full of exercise and being able to eat whatever I wanted with little to no physical consequences. However, today is a new day and the story has changed!
Food was once about comfort. I chose meals and snacks based on how I felt, no matter how healthy or unhealthy the choice may have been. While I may have considered my weight, I did not consider the extent of my health- mental or physical. I also turned 30 during the pandemic and with an increase in age, came a shift in my body. My body was no longer tolerable of the burgers, fries, ice cream, and pies. When things started sagging and dragging, I knew it was time for a change! Turning 30, in addition to COVID-19 sparked a growing desire to take my health into my own hands by making more intentional food choices. More about that later!
In light of the pandemic and all of the talk about immune support, I chose a simple recipe this month that I think many will enjoy. I call it the Berry Healthy Smoothie.

To make this simple smoothie, I used:
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1 Avocado
1 cup of frozen mixed blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries
Not only was this smoothie delicious, it was packed full of immune system support. Berries are full of vitamin C and antioxidants that fight free radicals. Studies have shown that antioxidants may reduce oxidative stress. Studies have also shown that antioxidants in berries may help to reduce inflammatory markers due to their anti inflammatory properties.
While the avocado's flavor wasn't noticeable, it gave the smoothie a creamy texture. Additionally, avocados are loaded with vitamins C, E, and K, and magnesium. And did you know each avo has about half of your daily recommended amount of fiber? So they're great for gut health! Some people may prefer a sweeter smoothie, as this one wasn't very sweet at all with the listed ingredients. One serving of a natural sweetener, like blue agave, may do the trick if sweet is what you prefer. You can also add greens like spinach or kale to help reach your daily intake of veggies. Overall, the Berry Healthy Smoothie is a hit in my home.